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​Gareth 34 ( Teacher - Gourock)

 I have been training with John Lynch Personal Training for 2 years.

Twice a week I work with him  one on one or in his group training.

Whenever time allows I follow training schedules he lays out for me,outwith his sessions.

Combined with following his heallthy eating plans, I have lost a total of 3 stones, and it will not be going back on.

I have also toned up and I feel great.

I was quite asthmatic before, now I virtually never use the inhaler.

Hiighly recommended as he  has changed my life.


Carolyn 50 ( Hairdresser-Greenock)

I thought I was relatively fit, although I coould not shift the few extra pounds I had around my lower waist. Then I started training with John a year ago.

Since then my fitness levels have improved immesurably,and my problem area has been toned and  reduced through careful eating and his fantastic workouts.

The great bunch of people in his groups make his sessions very enjoyable and stress busting.


Jaqueline 46 (Executive-Glasgow)

I have a hectic schedule, and was trying to do any class I could at my local gym in Glasgow.

After hearing about  John I made contact and he has introduced me to a new way of training.

Gone are all my high impact , daily classes  and I now train twice a week  with him.

I still do some classes now and then at my gym. But working outdoors in that scenery , is just awe inspiring.

I am fitter than ever and ,although weight loss was not my goal, I have toned up and look great.

I have more energy, less stress and more time  to do other things.



Chris 36 (Salesman-Glasgow)

I spend a lot of time in my car, driving from place to place.

I was overweight and relatively inactive..couldn't run the length of myself.

I joined John's training group  twice a week and a year later...

I have lost 3 stones,I can run 10 k and I am stronger and fitter than I have ever been.

Thanks trainer ever


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